Lifestyle Medicine Education


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Lifestyle Medicine Education

Healthcare professionals are uniquely positioned to stem the tide of chronic disease through patient education. In order to be effective, our nation’s clinicians must understand the vital roles exercise, nutrition, sleep, social connectivity, health behavior change, tobacco cessation and responsible alcohol use and other lifestyle interventions play in preventing, treating and managing disease. Through training, clinicians will be poised to treat and prevent the current pandemic of chronic disease and reduce unsustainable healthcare costs.

Welcome to LMEd

LMEd is now choosing to laser focus on expanding lifestyle medicine curricula in U.S. medical schools through offering open access to a collection of evidence-based curricular resources to train future clinicians in prevention and treatment of lifestyle-related diseases. LMEd is an evolution from the Lifestyle Medicine Education Collaborative, originally founded by Dr. Eddie Phillips and Dr. Jennifer Trilk and co-directed with Mr. Dennis Muscato, and is now supported by The University of South Carolina School of Medicine at Greenville. This lifestyle medicine collection can be used for core curricula, integration into existing curricula, electives, rotations, and scholarly concentrations. 



Our Mission

LMEd provides open access, evidence-based Lifestyle Medicine curricular resources to build knowledge, skills and advocacy in clinicians for the prevention and treatment of lifestyle-related chronic disease.


Our Vision

All clinical students will receive education in lifestyle medicine to prevent and treat lifestyle-related chronic disease.


What is Lifestyle Medicine?

Healthy Eating
Physical Activity
Managing Stress
Healthy Relationships
Quality Sleep
Avoiding Harmful Substance Use


Lifestyle Medicine?

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 90% of $4.5 trillion in annual health care expenditures are for people with chronic health conditions. 

60% of US adults have one chronic disease and 40% have two or more chronic diseases.

Many Chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are linked to poor lifestyle behaviors.

Strategic Partners

According to the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, lifestyle medicine is the use of evidence-based lifestyle therapeutic intervention—including a whole-food, plant-predominant eating pattern, regular physical activity, restorative sleep, stress management, avoidance of risky substances and positive social connection—as a primary modality, delivered by clinicians trained and certified in this specialty, to prevent, treat and often reverse chronic disease.

A Few words

From Our Followers

Elizabeth Pegg Frates, MD

Lifestyle Medicine Specialist, Health and Wellness Coach, Wellness Synergy, LLC. Assistant Professor, Part-Time at Harvard Medical School. Creator/Faculty Psych E 1037 Introduction to Lifestyle Medicine.

Lifestyle medicine provides the critical research, tools, and counseling practices for medical students to guide and empower patients to adopt and sustain healthy habits including exercise, a whole food plan predominant diet, sound sleep, stress reduction, social connection and avoidance of risky substances. Lifestyle medicine interest groups provide a parallel curriculum to medical students to learn the basics. A deep dive into lifestyle medicine is important for all graduating medical students and a dedicated curriculum on the topic, like this one, is a huge asset. 

Shipra Bansal, MD

Assistant clinical professor and director of osteopathic and lifestyle medicine at A.T. Still University’s School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona (ATSU-SOMA).

“LMed makes teaching lifestyle medicine so much more accessible to medical school faculty everywhere.  The organization is intuitive to an educator and navigation is easy to get to the desired content.  Thank you for this wonderful resource!”

Karson Mostert, MD

PGY-1 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Mayo-Clinic – Rochester, MN

“One of the many benefits of this curriculum is the focus on self and then on educating our patients. I can now counsel my patients on specific interventions that I learned because they helped me lose weight, improve lab findings, and cope with the stresses of life more effectively!”

Beth Motley, MD, FACLM, DipABLM

Family Medicine/Lifestyle Medicine, Physician, Greenville Family Medicine. Clinical Assistant Professor, USC SOM Greenville. Department of Family Medicine, Prisma Health-Upstate

“Most of us go into medicine because we hope to truly help people.  It’s easy to lose sight of this as we go through our medical training and enter clinical practice.  Practicing Lifestyle Medicine is a fulfilling way to stay true to this mission in our careers.  Lifestyle change is more powerful than any medicine in helping a person to take back their health, and education in this field must be the foundation to our medical education.”

Jasmine L Jolly, MD

PGY-1 Emergency Medicine, USF Health

“Lifestyle Medicine is the research-proven answer to affordable prevention of the most emotionally, physically, and financially devastating diseases in our society. This curriculum gave me concrete ways to help my patients (yes, even in the ED!), my family, and myself build confidence and enrich our lives.”

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